About / à propos

PICTURING ARCHITECTURE is a the visual research blog of Marie-Madeleine Ozdoba, researcher and scientific coordinator at the German Center for Art History (DFK Paris).

Marie-Madeleine Ozdoba is a researcher in art history and theory with previous experience in architectural practice. Her research focuses on the media narratives of modern architecture in the postwar, through an approach combining architectural history and visual studies.
She is currently a postdoctoral researcher and scientific coordinator at the German Center for Art History – DFK Paris. She coedited the volume Nouveaux médias: mythes et experimentations dans les arts (DFK Paris/NAIMA, 2021) with André Gunthert and Thomas Kirchner; her article “Dreamscape Century City: Architectural Rendering, Mass Media, and the Temporal Imaginary of the Postwar Capitalist Enterprise” was recently published in the Getty Research Journal (Volume 15, 2022).

CV / Academia

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